Helpful Information

  • What is the name and location of the cemetery the memorial will be installed?
  • What section of the cemetery is the memorial plot?
  • Are there specific rules, regulations, or guidelines for what memorials will be allowed on the plot as far as size, shape, or color?
  • What is the size of the plot the memorial will be installed on?
  • Depending on the size of the plot are there any specific guidelines for size or height of the memorial?
  • Most cemeteries require a concrete foundation. Does the cemetery provide the installation of the footing or will Cantele Memorials be installing it?
  • When additional lettering is required such as a date of death or additional inscription it is helpful to know the location of the memorial so we can quickly and efficiently identify what work will need to be done.
  • For a date of passing it is helpful to provide us with the name of the loved one the lettering will go under and also whether it will be a year inscription only or a full date that is month, day, and year.